LA County’s Mask Order (April 2022)
ounty, state, and federal rules require masks for everyone* 2 years of age and older.
It is strongly recommended that people continue to wear masks that fit and filter well in all indoor public places. The spread of COVID-19 continues to be a significant risk for many in Los Angeles County
EVERYONE* MUST wear a mask: |
On all forms of public transportation in LA County. This includes trains, buses, taxis and ride-shares.In all indoor transportation hubs in LA County, including airport and bus terminals, train and subway stations, seaports or other indoor port terminals, or any other indoor area that serves as a transportation hub.In healthcare settingsIn long-term care settings and adult/senior care facilitiesIn state and local correctional facilities and detention centersShelters and cooling centersIn any other location where it is the policy of the business or venue |
AirplanesIndoor public settings and businesses such as retail, restaurants, theaters, family entertainment centers, cardrooms, meetings, state and local government offices that serve the public.Indoors at K-12 schools and daycare |
Additional mask recommendations |
Masks are strongly recommended indoors or in crowded outdoor settings for people at high risk of severe illness, or who live with someone who is at high risk. Masks that provide the best protection against COVID-19 should be worn. Examples include a well-fitting respirator (e.g., N95, KN95) or a double mask (a well-fitting cloth mask over a medical mask).Masks are strongly recommended for people who are gathering indoors with people who are at high risk of severe illness. |
Note: When masks are required, you are allowed to take off your mask while you are:
- Actively eating or drinking.
- Alone in a separate room or space.
- Showering or swimming.
- Receiving personal hygiene or personal care services (like a facial or shave) that cannot be done without removing your mask.
*There are some people who should not wear a mask, such as children younger than 2, people with certain medical conditions or disabilities, and people instructed by their medical provider not to wear a mask. Children ages 2 to 8 should wear a mask only when under adult supervision. See Who should not wear a mask and Special considerations for persons with communication difficulties or certain disabilities.
Latest Update: March 2022
To align the Congregation with the requirements of the City of West Hollywood, County of Los Angeles, and best practices of the CDC, the Reopening Task Force with the approval of the Executive Committee of Congregation Kol Ami has approved the following going forward for all in-person activities at the synagogue:
1. All fully vaccinated congregants, guests, and staff can choose whether or not to wear a mask indoors. We highly recommend that immunocompromised individuals continue to mask indoors. Partially vaccinated persons must continue to wear a well-fitting mask indoors. We ask that you continue to respect physical boundaries and a fully vaccinated individual’s choice to mask.
2. “Fully vaccinated” is now defined as having received a first round of vaccination (two shots for Pfizer and Moderna or one shot for Johnson & Johnson) AND having a booster, as recommended/eligible. The booster shot needs to be at least two weeks before the activity.
3. We require proof of full vaccination for Covid-19 upon entry for anyone 5 and older, either by showing digital proof (either photo of your card or digital card) or your hard copy of your vaccination card, along with your Photo ID (please plan to arrive early to check in).
4. Children ages 5-17 who do not have a booster shot need to show their most recent negative PCR test from school and remain in their family groups.
5. Masks worn properly, covering nose and mouth, are still required when on site at Kol Ami for children ages 2 to 5 years.
6. No pets allowed, as they can contract and be carriers of Covid-19 and are not vaccinated. Service animals are under a different guideline. It is recommended by the CDC that service animals be kept 6 feet away from people and other animals.
7. Registration is not required for Shabbat services and attestations are not required. Registration may be required for other programs.
Congregation Kol Ami is taking steps to slowly reopen our congregation. We are doing so in coordination with guidance and recommendations from our Reopening Task Force (Dr. Neil Romanoff, Chairperson, Dr. Lilia Lukowsky, Neal Zaslavsky, Esq., Peter Mackler, Rabbi Eger, Rabbi Levy, Marca Gay), our Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees and Los Angeles County Health Department, The State of California Health Department and the CDC. We also are mindful and guided by our Jewish ethical values of Pikuach Nefesh– preserving life, Rachmanut- compassion, Bina– knowledge, Kavod HaBriyut-human dignity and Savlanut-patience. We are in a phased reopening process, taking into consideration, our capacity to reopen safely and effectively.

Changes in the Building

In 2020, our staff under the leadership of our Executive Director Marca Gay made certain modifications to our building to comply with the need to reduce surface contacts and to maintain social distancing.
These included:
- All light switches in meeting rooms and bathrooms are automatic on/off.
- All faucets and toilets are now hands-free.
- Stairways to the second floor and third floor are one way only. Meaning, one set up and one set down to maintain social distancing on the stairwells.
- HVAC and filtration systems have been upgraded and our air filters are MERV-13 hospital grade filters.
- Elevator occupancy no more than two people.
Entering the Building for Appointments and Services

To be on site at Kol Ami, whether for an appointment with clergy or staff or attending a service or life cycle event, you must be fully vaccinated if eligible.
Any worship services or meeting indoors or outside require us to maintain socially distant seating.
No Kippot or tallitot will be available. We strongly suggest you bring your own.
We strongly suggest having your own prayer book with you (available here).
All meetings/appointments should continue to be conducted online when possible.
Though we will be happy to see each other in person, even if we have been vaccinated, we can still transmit and be carriers of the coronavirus. Therefore, we will respect the wishes of all individuals at Kol Ami, in regard to physical touching, hugging, kissing. Our clergy/staff will only bow or touch elbows as greetings. We want to protect one another.

Jewish values determine that Pikuach Nefesh, preserving life is one of our most important mitzvot. We believe that being vaccinated for the Coronavirus, unless there is a medical reason not to is necessary. We therefore encourage all of our members, community members and friends to seek out and receive one of the available vaccines. You can schedule an appointment here.