Kol Ami’s ongoing HIV+ Support Group known as the Kol Amigos meets every third Saturdau of the month at 12:15 PM. Facilitated by Rabbi Eger, this confidential group is open only to those with HIV/AIDS. Please check the calendar for exact dates.

A Prayer
Written for our WORLD AIDS DAY 2021 Service by Rev. Keith Mozingo, Sr. Pastor Founders MCC
In the many ways we know You…
We come to You tonight to thank You for so many things.
We’re thankful for the doctors, nurses, medical workers, scientists, and the many others that think outside the box who have continued to study and treat those with HIV and AIDS over these 40 years.
We’re thankful for the care-takers who were willing to take a risk, or at least a perceived risk, to be physically with those who were suffering with this condition.
We’re thankful for the lesbians who became the nurturers of gay men, to hold us when no one else would.
We’re thankful for those who were only with us a short time on this earth, for they still mattered; they were still YOURS.
We’re thankful for those who mourned our losses, grieving over those whose families had turned them away, for the people of Faith who were willing to bless us in our time of need.
We’re thankful for those who opened their houses of worship for ALL of us, especially for those of us who were no longer welcomed into our native houses of worship.
We’re thankful for those who not only had a physical loss of health, but also a spiritual one…who have found their way back into your presence.
We’re thankful for those who somehow, someway, have lived through the early years and gone on to live long and prosperous lives…for those who are still here today, tonight…in this sacred space.
We’re just thankful, God, most of all, that YOU created us, You have kept us, You have blessed us, You have ministered to us… and You continue to give us Life.
And for that, we praise You…
In the name of all that is Holy…